We are back again with another long-term client interview, this time showcasing one of Coach Brittany's longer standing clients, Joelle.
Brittany and Joelle are about to celebrate their one year coaching "anniversary" and as you'll read (and see!), they have accomplished so much together. The best part is -- there's still so much to come with the goal of Joelle stepping on stage in the future!
First off, how’d you find the Audacious Athletes team and your coach?
I found AA through Chanel’s YouTube page. I was getting curious about Wellness in bodybuilding, and found her videos. I then followed her for a while. When I was looking for a prep coach, I knew I wanted one who understood the adaptive nature of hormones and metabolism - as it is way too common for one’s health to be sacrificed during prep with coaches who don’t understand or care about that. When I met with Chanel she told me about Brittany, we had a call and I loved her personality and vibe. I also really wanted a coach who was local to me so I could have them come to my show (hahaha) my wife who is also a coach totally creeped on her Instagram and felt we would mesh together well, I was sold.
What prompted you to seek out coaching initially?
I already had been working with a coach and knew the value and of having one (especially as a coach myself) and when I decided I wanted to step on stage I needed to find a good prep coach. My goal was to work with someone for at least a year before prep for 2 reasons: 1. so the coach could really get to know me and my body and I would know they were right for me 2. to “prep” my body for prep! Get my physique and metabolism in a better place.
Since being a client, what goals have you been able to accomplish?
So far I have accomplished a lot! - building muscle - losing fat - improved my recovery drastically - improved digestion - eaten more food intentionally than ever before I'm, visibly, at the best body composition I've ever been and feel the best I've ever felt!
What do you enjoy most about your relationship with your coach?
Coach B does a really great job explaining why I am doing certain things - even if she thinks I “probably already know” I always appreciate it. And there are PLENTY of new things she has been teaching me in this process. I also just love her personality - she’s very kind and empathetic. Her transparency about her own journey draws me to her as well!
If someone was on the fence about becoming an Audacious Athlete client, what advice or guidance would you give them?
Stop waiting and just do it!!!

In the last year, they have undergone 2 deficit phases, and are currently in our 3rd reverse diet in the “prep before the prep” as she plans to grace the OCB stage for her first Natural bikini competition in July. They have been able to get Joelle’s caloric intake up to 2,600 calories/day during her last reverse diet, while maintaining the results from her fat loss phase and am confident we will able to surpass that intake this time around.
If you aren't already, be sure to follow us over on Instagram where we often share what our clients are up to! If becoming a client on our roster is something you're interested in, fill out this form here to set up a consult call with Head Coach Chanel!